
...y sigue caminando/immer weitergehen
site-specific music performance

„seek for simplicity, return to the origin, meet the spiritual, leave the world and … go on …“

The site-specific music performance took place in an ecumenic chapel on the Main Railway Station in Vienna. Music from the 16.-21. century, occasionally interrupted by the radio announcements, created a specific soundscape. The visuals - moving and still images of roads, landscape in motion - utilised the specific architecture of the place.

Premiere: 9. 6. 2017, 19:15, Raum der Stille Wien / Lange Nacht der Kirchen
Concept – performers: Styx Quartet – recorders / Irena Dopitová, Alina Loewenich, Magdalena Spielmann, Štefan Tokár
Martina Z. Šimkovičová / projection installation

Photographs by Emanuel Nitsch

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