
site-specific installation + performance / length: 30 minutes

The word 'palimpsest' refers to a manuscript page from antiquity or the Middle Ages, which could be cleaned and rewritten. The original meaning was later also transferred to places and mental processes. 

The metaphor becomes the starting point for the installation with projections and the performance itself. The individual projections create an environment for movement of the visitors in space and for the experience of the three-dimensional sound. The projections thematise writing/rewriting and in context of live music performance and writing, references to the library and the iconology of the past are created. The performance takes into account the existing furniture and objects. Works for paetzold were by Oscar Bianchi, Paolo Aralla and Fausto Romitelli.

Premiere: 23/11/2017 / Library, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Augasse 2-6
Concept - performers: Martina Šimkovičová, Eva Leonie Fegers, Lukas Froschauer - Faktor A
Installations, texts: Martina Šimkovičová / paetzold flute: Eva Leonie Fegers / electronics, sound direction: Lukas Froschauer
With the kind support of the Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Photographs: Joanna Pianka

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